Hej, här kommer ett angeläget boktips - så här i trolltider.
Boken på bilden är en bladvändare om hur CIA, synnerligen sofistikerat, bedrev propaganda under Kalla kriget, just nu läser jag om den och slås åter av vilken perfekt bok det är.
Citatet som följer nedan, efter pilarna, är ur författarens förord. Jag ville översätta det men det är så bra på originalspråk! Ja, Stonor Saunders lyckades med sina ambitioner.
‘History’, wrote Archibald MacLeish, ‘is like a badly constructed concert hall, [with] dead spots where the music can’t be heard.’ This book attempts to record those dead spots. It seeks a different acoustic, a tune other than that played by the official virtuosi of the period. It is a secret history, insofar as it believes in the relevance of the power of the personal relationships, of ‘soft’ linkages and collusions, and the significance of salon diplomacy and boudoir politicking. It challenges what Gore Vidal has described as ‘those official fictions that have been agreed upon by all together too many too interested parties, each with his own thousand days in which to set up his own misleading pyramids and obelisks that purport to tell sun time’. Any history which sets out to interrogate these ‘agreed-upon facts’ must in Tzvetan Todorov’s words, become an act of profanity. It is not about contributing to the cult of heroes and saints. It’s about coming as close as possible to the truth. It participates in what Max Weber called the “disenchantment of the world”; it exists at the other end of the spectrum from idolatry. It’s about redeeming the truth for truth’s sake, not retrieving images that are deemed useful for the present.

Ha en trevlig helg.